A Star Barber Shares How he Built his Career

Published 28th Feb 2024 by Sian Jones

Ahmed Alsanawi, owner of A Star Barber, reveals how hard work has paved the way for a career he could never have dreamt of…

What was your first job before barbering?

I didn’t have a job before becoming a barber. In my teenage years, I began practising on relatives’ hair and my own hair, until I had enough practice and experience to go out and secure clients of my own.

Why did you decide on a career in barbering?

I always had an interest in barbering from a young age - I would go into the shop and think that all the guys who worked there were so cool. There’s something about a barber shop, its where guys go to offload any stresses and worries from the outside world, have some downtime, and come out feeling sharper and more confident. I love making my clients feel good about themselves – it’s a nice feeling.

How did you get started?

I started my company in 2013 with my wife and business partner, Tanya. In a very short space of time, we had achieved success and became the home of professional footballers as well as walk-in customers. I also served as Chelsea’s training ground barber for a while.

What was your biggest challenge starting out?

I think when any barber starts out, the challenge is getting a large number of clients who trust you and want to keep coming back – because once you find your preferred barber you’re loyal for as long as time allows. When I first started out, Instagram wasn’t as big as it is now to promote your business, so building up a client base through word of mouth was important. Nowadays we have social media, which can make you an overnight success from one video. TikTok has been great for my profile and business, as well as Instagram of course.

What was the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Be true to yourself. My business is based on not just my skillset, but my personality and who I am as a person. If my clients didn’t like me or get on with me, they would go elsewhere. I have built a loyal community through being myself and luckily its worked out well!

What do you wish you’d known then that you know now?
It will all work out in the end. Success doesn’t happen instantly, it’s about hard graft and being passionate about what you’re doing. As a young kid, I never thought I would be where I am enjoying my success as a popular, in-demand barber.

What’s been your greatest achievement so far? 

Without a doubt being the England team’s on- hand barber in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. For a barber, it was the ultimate honour – as well as working with some of the biggest stars in football.

What does the future hold for you now? 

At the moment my time is spent in the barber shop, as well as travelling to do the cuts for some of the biggest names in football. I have also recently launched my own range of products (FINI BY A-STAR) which consists of a matte paste and sea salt spray. I am hoping to extend the range in the near future so look out for that!

Sian Jones

Sian Jones

Published 28th Feb 2024

Sian is Editor Modern Barber and Deputy Editor Hairdressers Journal International. She has over ten years’ experience writing for print publications covering Youth & Children, TV & Entertainment and Lifestyle. Sian graduated with a degree in journalism, and whilst studying was nominated for the Guardian Digital Journalist of the Year award in 2011.

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