12th Sep 2023
Sometimes you need to explain to a client why something may not be right for them or relay to them that achieving the look they want may not be going to happen in one appointment. Unfortunately, these aren't always the easiest conversations to have, which is why Murdock London Master Barber Ben Vowles is offering his advice on managing client expectations.
However in-fashion a cut may be, some styles won’t suit everyone. Try using phrases like ‘this is a great cut and definitely very cool right now, what I’d recommend for you and your face shape is…’ Offer the client more realistic alternatives that will work with their face shape and features. This way they will leave your shop a satisfied customer rather than a fashion victim.
Certain changes take time to achieve, whether it's growing hair from long to short, making thinning or fine hair appear fuller, or growing out a really bad haircut. Sometimes you will need to prepare your client for a bit of a hair journey. There is no magical fix for replacing thinning hair, but with the right ongoing care, hair can be made to look fuller and healthier.
Celebrity images can provide a great tool for barbers needing a clearer idea of what a client wants, but sometimes the client needs to be realistic. A look that Brad Pitt, Jared Leto, or Tom Holland can carry off, won’t necessarily suit them. The trick here is to gain an understanding of what it is the client likes about the celebrity look they are showing you. Do they think it makes the celeb look cool, younger or more sophisticated? What words does the client use to describe the look? From this, you can work out what it is they want to achieve for themselves and make suggestions based on this knowledge. The look they end up with may not bear much resemblance to the celeb image they came in with, but they will feel great.
It’s important to manage a client’s expectations when they request a style that you know they won’t be able to maintain at home. If the client is the type that wants to roll out of bed and fix their hair in a few seconds, they won’t want a style that takes ten minutes of styling. Advise them to go for something easier to maintain, and suggest products that will help them do this. Remember, product recommendations aren’t selling, they are part of a professional service.
If you're looking for ways to help boost your retail sales without coming across pushy, check out these tips!
Firstly, not every client will be capable of growing a full beard. Some men just don’t have a growth pattern that facilitates full beard growth. Beards normally grow at a rate of half an inch every month, so it will be a good few months before they are rocking full-on facial hair. In the meantime, make sure you recommend products to keep their beards looking healthy throughout the growth process.
1. When a Client Asks for a Cut That Won’t Suit Them
However in-fashion a cut may be, some styles won’t suit everyone. Try using phrases like ‘this is a great cut and definitely very cool right now, what I’d recommend for you and your face shape is…’ Offer the client more realistic alternatives that will work with their face shape and features. This way they will leave your shop a satisfied customer rather than a fashion victim.
2. When a Client Wants an Unrealistic Quick Fix
Certain changes take time to achieve, whether it's growing hair from long to short, making thinning or fine hair appear fuller, or growing out a really bad haircut. Sometimes you will need to prepare your client for a bit of a hair journey. There is no magical fix for replacing thinning hair, but with the right ongoing care, hair can be made to look fuller and healthier.
3. When a Client Wants to Look Like a Certain Celebrity
Celebrity images can provide a great tool for barbers needing a clearer idea of what a client wants, but sometimes the client needs to be realistic. A look that Brad Pitt, Jared Leto, or Tom Holland can carry off, won’t necessarily suit them. The trick here is to gain an understanding of what it is the client likes about the celebrity look they are showing you. Do they think it makes the celeb look cool, younger or more sophisticated? What words does the client use to describe the look? From this, you can work out what it is they want to achieve for themselves and make suggestions based on this knowledge. The look they end up with may not bear much resemblance to the celeb image they came in with, but they will feel great.
4. When a Client Wants a Style That Won’t Suit Their Lifestyle
It’s important to manage a client’s expectations when they request a style that you know they won’t be able to maintain at home. If the client is the type that wants to roll out of bed and fix their hair in a few seconds, they won’t want a style that takes ten minutes of styling. Advise them to go for something easier to maintain, and suggest products that will help them do this. Remember, product recommendations aren’t selling, they are part of a professional service.
If you're looking for ways to help boost your retail sales without coming across pushy, check out these tips!
5. When a Client Wants a Full Beard
Firstly, not every client will be capable of growing a full beard. Some men just don’t have a growth pattern that facilitates full beard growth. Beards normally grow at a rate of half an inch every month, so it will be a good few months before they are rocking full-on facial hair. In the meantime, make sure you recommend products to keep their beards looking healthy throughout the growth process.