Industry Bodies Unite For A Stronger Future

Published 09th May 2022 by Charlotte Grant-West
Industry Bodies Unite For A Stronger Future
The Hair & Barber Council and HABIA come together to work towards improving the quality and standards of training and education in the sector.

Both organisations are dedicated to ensuring the highest level of professional expertise in the sector, and this joint initiative can only serve to promote these ideals.

Keith Conniford, Registrar of the Hair & Barber Council said: “Having spoken extensively over recent months with Joan Scott of HABIA, it quickly became very clear that the Hair and Barber Council was aligned totally with HABIA in their continual quest to improve the quality of training and education in the sector. As a past private training provider myself of 25 years, the training and education of young people entering our sector has always been a massive priority for me. These young people are the future of our industry and deserve the very best start we can give them. As the Government approved body responsible for setting the standards in the hair, barber, and beauty sector, I totally support and applaud HABIA’s huge ongoing commitment to the raising of standards in our sector”.

Joan Scott, of HABIA said: “The Hair and Beauty Industry Authority (HABIA) and the Hair & Barber Council have worked together for many years, with a mutual respect and a shared vision for a regulated sector.  With the proliferation of very short, unregulated courses, our partnership becomes even more important, so together we can champion high standards, professionalism, and mandatory regulation across the hair, barbering and beauty sector”.
Charlotte Grant-West

Charlotte Grant-West

Published 09th May 2022

Charlotte oversees the print magazine, website and social media channels at HJ. With over a decade of experience as a journalist, Charlotte was formerly Editor of Modern Barber and HJ Men, Social Editor at Netmums and Features Writer at Boots Health & Beauty magazine. She loves any products that make her hair bigger and more voluminous, and loves a behind-the-scenes peek at anything hair-related – whether it's a factory tour, BTS on a shoot or backstage at fashion week.

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