How to look after your push bike

Jazz Walia launched Chill Bikes (@chillbikes) last year and is now selling his fixed gear, funky, light and low maintenance cycles around the world. Inspired by NYC bike messengers and born in London, the basic bike can be personalised and finished to spec. Here Jazz shares his know-how on keeping your two wheeled transport in good order:
Tip 1 - get into the healthy habit of tightening bolts, all of them! Constant use will naturally cause bolts to loosen over time, so keep a spanner/wrench handy.
Tip 2 - your brakes can be a lifeline on the city streets so check the cables regularly to see if they are loose, frayed or damaged. Make sure that the brake lock is connecting with the rim of the wheel and not the tyre and reseat it or replace if required.
Tip 3 - if you use your bike constantly then it will need a proper service every six months. YouTube is a brilliant resource for how to service a bike but if you do nothing else take a lubricant like WD40 to the cogs and chain but NOT the brakes!
Tip 4 - damaged pedals should be changed quickly but make sure they are on correctly, there is a right pedal and a left pedal (oriented from sitting on the bike and facing forward). If you put them on wrong you will cross thread the crank arm and they will fall off.
Tip 5 - lock it up or lose it - lock your bike through the front wheel as it's the first to go.
Jazz is offering MB readers £50 off the basic £299 bike. Quote MBChill04 to redeem. Visit and keep to date on offers and competitions at Twitter @chillbikes.