MB Debate: Are You Taking On Apprentices?

Published 04th Mar 2025

With the rise of freelance barbers and the increase in the national minimum wage, apprenticeships have become a hot topic within the industry. We asked on social media whether you’re taking on apprentices, and here’s what some of you had to say on the matter...

Josh Plumbley, Manager at Grizzly’s Male Hair Salon

Josh Plumbley, Manager at Grizzly’s Male Hair Salon

Josh says: "Yes, we’re currently taking on apprentices – it’s a great way to instil the brand’s DNA into your staff early in their journey. At Grizzly’s Academy, we want to develop shop-ready barbers. It takes patience from both sides, and it’s not cheap while they are learning – depending on pricing it can take up to a year before you start to see the rewards, so choose your apprentice wisely. However, while training is ongoing, it’s a great opportunity to teach soft skills such as customer service, and encourage a strong work ethic, both of which will reflect well on your business.

"However, as I said, employing apprentices isn’t cheap, and government grants need to be increased the cover the costs of the forever-rising wages of apprentices. But ultimately, fresh people bring fresh ideas that we can all benefit from."

Jason Sales, co-owner of Opus Hairdressing

Jason says: "We have always employed apprentices, we have two right now, both in their first year. They’re both fabulous kids, both fantastic. However, in the future I don’t think I’ll be able to afford to take any more on. Without those kids coming through with their enthusiasm, their creativity and ideas, the industry is going to suffer massively.

"Apprentices are the most important part of our business and the most important part of our industry.

"If we can’t afford to take someone else on as support staff because we just don’t have enough money in the business, then that closes the door on the next potential apprentice. That’s my biggest worry about where this budget is going to go, because it’s not just me, this is every business up and down the country."

Joshua Lucero, owner of Lucero Hair and Wellness

Joshua Lucero, owner of Lucero Hair and Wellness in Utah

Based in Utah, USA, Joshua shares an international perspective on apprentices…

Joshua says: "We’re hiring apprentices right now. To be able to employ newer stylists and help them shape their careers is such an amazing thing to experience. Working as an apprentice allows them to learn new skills and get hands-on training from an experienced stylist.

"I think having a structured plan for their success is vital; we have a full-year calendar for our apprentices’ education. While maintaining their success and education, you have to inspire and lead them properly, too. We encourage them to learn from their mistakes and aim to get rid of the egos and the hierarchy and treat them like professionals."

Josie Jackson

Josie Jackson

Published 04th Mar 2025

Josie supports the team with content for the print magazine, website and social media channels at HJ. Having grown up in a salon environment (thanks to her hairdresser mum) and even working as a Saturday girl before getting her degree in English Literature, Josie feels right at home in the industry. Although she’s experimented with a few creative colour looks in the past, she always comes back to blonde, and loves all things hydrating and bond building.

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