Raw Talent Finalists Are Announced!
After rigorous judging, the finalists for the Raw Talent competition have been chosen!
The final, which is held at Barberfest in Brighton on 10 July, is brought to you by Mike Taylor Education and sponsored by VTCT. There are three categories - Fresher, Graduate and Post Graduate - with the finalists creating their looks in front of a panel of judges live at Barberfest, before the winner is announced on the Inspiration Stage at 4pm.
The finalists are:
Charlie Stevens
Ryan Evans
Luke Windsor
Evan Durrant
Jaydon Pope
Josh Granger
Alex Oloughlin
Lewis Lockwood
Dan Wilson
Billy Whitehouse
Post Graduate
Ben Ismael
Yasemin Hassan
Aaron Phelan
Aidan Mulligan
Kurtis Skipworth
Janier Antonio
Come and support them - and enjoy a day at Barberfest, where there's a whole selection of tools, techniques and barbering trends on show from some of the biggest names in the barber world. Click here for tickets!