Daniel Rymer Scales Kilimanjaro for Charity with Andis' Support

Published 21st Feb 2024 by Josie Jackson
The effects of Covid-19 and its impact on the mental and business health of barbers all over the UK, and indeed beyond, cannot be understated or overestimated. And, like many barbers, Andis ambassador Daniel Rymer struggled to adapt as the doors to his barbershop closed, and he found himself at home contemplating what the future would hold for his career, his team and himself on a personal level.

An Inner Strength to Bring About Positive Change

That said, adversity can often reveal an inner strength and self-determination that drives people to achieve extraordinary things and Daniel says this is what motivated him to accomplish such an amazing feat, with the help and support of Andis. “I found it hard to deal with lockdown and, despite what people say in public, many barbers and local businesses I spoke to were all feeling the same. When you’re not in the shop you become disconnected from the thing you’re most passionate about, and the people who share that passion; you lose your sense of purpose. The financial impacts compounded matters with the loss of income and trying to keep the business going with loans and costs. It was a worrying time and I felt I needed to do something positive for me, but also for other people.”

To overcome his predicament and fulfil his need to get away from his situation, Daniel hit upon the idea of scaling Mt. Kilimanjaro to not only address his own mental health challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, but also to help others in the process.  He says: “I wanted to achieve something positive, challenge myself to do something I’d never done before, and raise money for people dealing with homelessness and hopelessness. I decided to raise money for Caring in Bristol – a local charity whose vision is to create a city that’s empowered to solve homelessness as, despite everything, I felt I could do more for disadvantaged people. This is when Andis stepped in to offer their support.”


A Passion for Barbering Meets Ambition

Combining this personal feat with his passion for barbering, Daniel set about assembling a team to reach Mt. Kilimanjaro’s summit and undertake the highest haircut on record. With a collective of likeminded business owners from his area, and expert porters, Daniel embarked on a gruelling ten-day ascent to the 5,895m summit, which saw him coping with altitude sickness, blisters and acute tiredness.

“It was very challenging with six days on the mountain," he explains. "It took three days to get to base camp and we reached the summit on day four. The views were spectacular and it was a massive achievement for me and the whole team. Equipped with my Andis tools, cape and branded clothing, I performed haircuts on the mountain, which was an unbelievable experience and great bonding for everyone together on our shared mission.”

Care. Climb. Kilimanjaro.

Initially intending to raise £6,000 individually, a target which he has exceeded, the team’s efforts have now surpassed £100,000. This achievement motivated Daniel even further. Giving him the time and space away from his business, he returned to the UK refreshed and reenergised with a new model in mind. He shares: “I’ve now rebranded my business to ‘Rythm Barbering’. Unlike before, this is a community hub that offers a safe, cool and creative space for independent barbers, as well as empowering self-employed beauty professionals, nail technicians and other creatives to thrive.”

Thanking Andis for their support, Daniel points to the range of tools, accessories and encouragement offered by the brand. “Andis has been amazing. They provided warm weather gear and a wide range of tools that enabled me to work throughout the trip, and on the mountain," he says.  "Two of the tools I took on my trip were the Andis Galaxy Clipper and Trimmer. They are powerful and precise but also extremely lightweight - and that matters when you have heavy gear strapped to your back! I even gifted some tools to one of the porters, who happened to be a barber, so he can better support his family, so it’s been an enriching experience in so many ways.”

Named ‘Care. Climb. Kilimanjaro.’ Daniel has documented his trip, which he says is the 'best and worst thing' he’s ever done. “It was an incredible journey, but it was gruelling, and it tested my resolve to the limit. But I’m so proud of what we achieved, and I look forward to continuing to receive donations in support of this worthy cause.”

If you would like to show your support and donate to Caring in Bristol, you can visit the Just Giving page here.

Josie Jackson

Josie Jackson

Published 21st Feb 2024

Josie supports the team with content for the print magazine, website and social media channels at HJ. Having grown up in a salon environment (thanks to her hairdresser mum) and even working as a Saturday girl before getting her degree in English Literature, Josie feels right at home in the industry. Although she’s experimented with a few creative colour looks in the past, she always comes back to blonde, and loves all things hydrating and bond building.

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