How Often Should Male Clients Wash Their Hair?

Published 28th Sep 2023

Do you find that some of your male clients ask you how often they should wash their hair? We asked the experts to describe the ideal home haircare routines.

On average, the pros suggest washing hair two or three times a week to maintain a clean, healthy scalp – regardless of your gender. However, this will of course depend on varying factors of each individual client including hair texture, product use and lifestyle.

Regular Washing Required

Something to bear in mind when recommending haircare routines is how regularly your client uses products on their hair, as this may require more washing. Jonathan Andrew, Fudge Professional Global Ambassador advises: “Clients should make sure they’re cleaning their hair and scalp to avoid product build-up.” Meanwhile, if clients often use products but can't wash their hair every time they do, OSMO Ambassador Brodie Raeside points out: “Products that are water solvable will rinse out in water without necessarily needing shampoo.” This is a good hack for clients who cannot avoid using products daily.

It’s also important to consider your client’s lifestyle and the effect that this has on their hair; if they go to the gym or play a lot of sports, their hair and scalp will become sweaty and need to be washed that day.

Jonathan Andrew explains that hair type should also be acknowledged: “If the hair is finer and is left too long in between washes, then it can start to clump. So, you will be able to see more of the scalp, making it look even finer.” Therefore, clients with finer hair may need to wash their hair more often to maintain as much visual thickness as possible, contrary to what they might think! Jonathan also suggests clients wash their hair twice. “The first wash is to remove the residue and dirt from the hair. If the shampoo is not lathering well, they should add more water, not shampoo. Then, the second wash cleanses the hair, leaving it looking and feeling fresh.”

Oily or Greasy Hair? Here's What to Do

When clients come into your barbershop and ask for advice for their oily scalps or greasy hair, don’t be tempted to suggest they wash their hair more often. “Greasy hair could be a result of over washing as it causes more sebum production," Ryan Lewis, STMNT advocate describes. Sebum is an oily, waxy substance produced by the body’s sebaceous glands and its primary function is to protect hair and skin from losing moisture. So, when clients wash out their natural oils, their body creates more oils to replace them, resulting in an even oilier scalp. "It’s a vicious cycle!” Ryan Lewis concludes.

Of course, hair length can also play a part in the frequency of hair washes. Charles Rose, Director at Crate Cheshire comments: “If your client’s hair is short, natural oils are more likely to stay within the hair so it is okay for them to wash it every other day.” However if your clients hair is on the longer side, they may need to go longer between washes to keep their hair hydrated. Remember that you can recommend a dry shampoo too, especially for clients with mid-length to long hair, to keep hair fresh between washes. Jonathan Andrew advises that conditioner isn't always vital for clients with short hair, but if their hair is longer or coloured it could be a good addition to their grooming regime.

When clients wash their hair too often, this can have a detrimental effect on their hair’s appearance and health. Brodie Raeside says: “It will lead to dry and lifeless hair because it’s not getting the oils and moisture that it needs – they’re all being washed out.” Award-winning men’s hairdresser, Jim Shaw, adds that this is universal for all hair types, but some can leave washing for that bit longer. He says: “Men with wavy, curly or textured hair will be able to leave unwashed hair for longer as this means there is more time for the natural oils to spread down their waves, curls, coils and kinks.”

Which Type of Shampoo Should Your Client Use?

MB asked experts to share their thoughts all things cleansing. From sulphate-free to shampoos with scrubs, here the experts share their top product picks.

Sulphate free shampoo
“Sulphates can strip the hair and scalp of its natural oils, causing dry, brittle or damaged hair. I use the all-in-one cleanser or the shampoo from the STMNT Grooming range which is sulphate-free.”
Ryan Lewis

Detoxifying shampoo
“I use the OSMO Detoxifying Shampoo as it’s great for all hair types. It gives the hair a deep, clarifying cleanse and removes product build-up and impurities. Plus, it retains the hair’s natural oils and moisture.”
Brodie Raeside

Shampoo for bleached hair
“For clients with bleached hair, I recommend the OSMO Super Silver No Yellow Shampoo which keeps colour looking fresh and keeps blondes a really icy white.”
Brodie Raeside

Scalp cleansing shampoo
“As men typically get their hair cut regularly, it’s usually in good condition. What men need to focus on more is scalp health; excess oils, build-up of product and environmental radicals all sit on the scalp. So, they need a deep cleansing shampoo like the Fudge Professional Clean Mint Shampoo. They need to ensure that the scalp is healthy and the follicles are clear for strong hair growth.”
Jonathan Andrew

Hydrating shampoo
“These are particularly great for men with wavy, curly and textured hair types as these can become dry and sometimes frizzy. I use the ALTERNA Caviar Anti-Aging Replenishing Moisture Shampoo.”
Jim Shaw

Volumising shampoo
“Delicate, fine hair should be washed frequently with a volumizing shampoo, such as the Matrix High Amplify Shampoo. This is specifically designed to boost the structure of fine and limp hair while offering adequate hydration.”
Christian Wiles, Matrix Artist Ambassador

A good quality scrub
“Men should add a good quality scalp scrub into their routine. If they use this once a week, it should get rid of product build-up, excess oil and dead skin cells, keeping their scalp and hair healthy.”
Jim Shaw

While you're advising clients on their haircare routine, make sure you're up to date with these debunked grooming myths.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 28th Sep 2023

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